Choral Mass at 5:30pm
Introit: Thou has mercy on all things, O Lord, Anglican Use Gradual
Hymn: Forgive our sins, Detroit
Kyrie, Mass XVIII
Ps 51, Be merciful, O Lord, Guimont Psalter
Praise and honor, Kyrie Orbis factor, adapt. D Hurd
At the distribution of ashes: Ant. 2 with Ps 51, tone II
Anthem at the Offertory: Lord, for thy tender mercies sake, attr. Farrant
Sanctus, Mysterium fidei, Agnus Dei, Mass XVIII
Communion Chant: He who doth meditate, Anglican Use Gradual
Communion: Attende Domine
During Lent there are no organ preludes or postludes in keeping with the solemn and penitential nature of the season.