25 August 2009

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Introit: The Church's One Foundation, [AURELIA]
Psalm 15, Guimont Psalter
Offertory: Beautiful Savior, [ST. ELIZABETH]
Communion: Ps. 34, Moore
Hymn of Thanksgiving: All Creatures of Our God and King, [LASST UNS ERFREUEN]

18 August 2009

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Introit: This Day God Gives Me, [BUNESSAN]
Psalm 34, Guimont Psalter
Offertory: Where Charity and Love Prevail, [CHRISTIAN LOVE]
Communion: Ps. 24, Guimont Psalter
Hymn of Thanksgiving: Let All Things Now Living, [THE ASH GROVE]

Our new Pastor has instituted the practice of personally purifying the eucharistic vessels immediately after communion has concluded. We will now sing the Hymn of Thanksgiving during this time.

10 August 2009

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Introit Hymn: A Mighty Fortress is Our God, [EIN FESTE BURG]
Gloria in excelsis by Calvin Bower
Ps. 34, Guimont Psalter
Offertory: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, [PICARDY]
Communion: Eat This Bread
Hymn of Thanksgiving: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name,

This week we welcome Mr. Wes Rice, clarinet, to the 10:30 mass. He will provide music for prelude and throughout the mass.

06 August 2009

Diocesan Organist Training Program

Did you know that the Diocese of Fort Wayne - South Bend has a training program so YOU can learn how to play the organ for mass? The Church always needs more organists, and this is a great opportunity to try something new! Click on the link to the Diocesan Office of Worship on the right-hand side of this page to read more.

05 August 2009

Choir Texts

Below are the texts and translations of the two choral pieces the choir will sing at the 10:30 mass this Sunday:

At the Offertory: Benedictus es, Domine by John Rutter
Glory to you, Lord God of our fathers;
you are worthy of praise; glory to you.
Glory to you for the radiance of your holy Name;
we will praise you and highly exalt you for ever.

Glory to you, in the splendor of your temple;
on the throne of your majesty, glory to you.
Glory to you, seated between the Cherubim;
we will praise you and highly exalt you forever.

Glory to you, beholding the depths;
in the high vault of heaven, glory to you.
Glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
we will praise you and highly exalt you forever.

At the Communion: Ave verum corpus, plainchant, mode VI
Hail, true Body, born of Mary the Virgin;
truly suffering, sacrificed on the cross for man;
from Whose pierced side flowed water and blood.
Be to us a foretaste at death's trial,
O sweet Jesus, O loving Jesus, O Jesus Son of Mary.

03 August 2009

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Sunday we welcome our new pastor, the Rev. Fr. Glenn Kohrman. There will be a Choral Mass at 10:30 a.m.

Introit Hymn: All People That On Earth Do Dwell, [OLD 100TH]
Psalm 34, Guimont Psalter
Offertory: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart, [BICENTENNIAL]
Communion: I Received the Living God, [LIVING GOD]
Hymn of Thanksgiving: Praise to the Lord, [LOBE DEN HERREN]

Look for the NEW GLORIA next week in the back of the hymnal!