22 September 2011

Queen of the Rosary

On Sunday, 9 October, at 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Parish will host an evening of music and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Musical selections will include Marian works by Flor Peeters, Dupre, Benoit, Debussy, and many others.  The poster for this event follows...

Queen of the Rosary Poster

The image on this poster (which will also be used on the evening's program) is a pen drawing by artist Matthew Alderman of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  The artist has graciously allowed me to use this illustration for our event.  More information about Mr. Alderman's work and links to more of his drawings, architecture, and design may be found HERE.

The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Organ Prelude:  Fugue from Prelude and Fugue in D minor, op 37, no 3, Felix Mendelssohn

At the Introit:  All people that on earth do dwell, Old 100th
Gradual Psalm:  145, "The Lord is near..."  Guimont Psalter
Alleluia:  plainsong, mode VI
At the Offertory:  We walk by faith, Shanti
At Communion:  Ps. 23 (para.), Shepherd me, O God
Motet:  God be in my head, Sydney Nicholson
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  In Christ there is no east or west, McKee

Organ Postlude:  Finale from Sonata VI, Felix Mendelssohn

Mass Ordinary:  Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, Jacob Bancks

08 September 2011

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Organ Prelude:  Chant de Paix, Langlais
At the Introit:  We gather together, Kremser
Gradual Psalm:  103, "The Lord is kind and merciful."  Guimont Psalter
At the Offertory:  You are mine
At Communion:  Keep in mind, Deiss
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Holy God, we praise thy name, Grosser Gott
Organ Postlude:  Solemn Melody, H. Walford Davies

The Twenty-Second and Twenty-Third Sundays in Ordinary Time

The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time:

This Sunday marks the first weekend that St. Vincent de Paul Parish sang the new translation of the Mass Ordinary;  before mass the organist introduced the new service music.

At the Introit:  The master came to bring good news, Ich glaub an Gott
Gloria in excelsis: Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
Gradual Psalm: 95, "If today you heard his voice..." Guimont Psalter
Alleluia:  plainsong, mode VI
At the Offertory:  This day God gives me, Bunessan, arr. Rawsthorne
Sanctus, Agnus Dei:  Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
At Communion:  Taste and See, Moore
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Christ is made the sure foundation, St. Thomas
Organ Postlude:  Chorale prelude on Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, D. Buxtehude

The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Organ Prelude:  No. 1 from Six Preludes for Organ, Ernest Bloch
At the Introit:  God is here, Abbot's leigh
Gloria in excelsis: from A New Mass for Congregations, Andrews
Gradual Psalm:  63, "My soul is thirsting..." Guimont Psalter
Alleluia:  Celtic Alleluia, O'Carroll
At the Offertory:  Take up your cross, O waly waly
Sanctus:  Land of Rest, Pruner
Agnust Dei:  Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
At Communion:  Where charity and love prevail, Christian love
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  What wondrous love is this, Wondrous love
Organ Postlude:  Chorale prelude on Wohl denen, die da wandeln, Bernard Wayne Sanders