22 December 2011

The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord

Vigil Mass, Christmas Eve

Hodie Christus natus est, G. Gabrieli
Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
Festival Alleluia, J. Chepponis
In dulci jubilo, M. Praetorius
Traditional Carols with the Hart City Brass Quartet
and Kevin Vaughn, organist


The Office of Readings and Mass of the Night

Antiphons and psalms by K. Vaughn
The Proclamation of Christmas
Gloria in excelsis, Mass XVIII
Sanctus & Agnus Dei, Mass VIII
Gaudete from Piae Cantiones
Alma redemptoris mater, G. Palestrina
Bilingual carols with the St. Vincent de Paul Choir


Christmas Day, Mass at Dawn and Mass of the Day
8:30am and 11:30am

Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
Festival Alleluia, J. Chepponis
Traditional carols with Caleb Wiebe, trumpet
and Kevin Vaughn, organist

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Organ Prelude:  Rorate caeli (chorale orne), Jeanne Demmessieux

Proper Introit:  Drop down, ye heavens
At the Procession:  People, look east, Besancon
Gradual Psalm 89, Forever I will sing, Guimont Psalter
Offertory:  Savior of the nations come, Nun komm der heiden heiland
Proper Communion:  Behold, a virgin shall conceive
Communion Hymn:  Creator of the stars of night, Conditor alme siderum
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  The king shall come when morning dawns, Morning Song

Organ Postlude:  Lob sei dem allmachtigen, J. S. Bach

09 December 2011

The Third Sunday of Advent

Organ Prelude:  Noel Grand Choeur, Marc-Antoine Charpentier

Introit (choir):  Rejoice ye in the Lord!, Anglican Use Gradual
Procession:  On Jordan's bank, Winchester New
Kyrie:  Mass XVIII
Gradual Psalm:  Luke 1, Guimont Psalter
Alleluia:  plainsong, mode VI, de Angelis, adapt.
Offertory:  O come, divine Messiah, Veni divin messie
Sanctus & Agnus Dei:  Mass XVIII
Communion Chant:  Say to them..., Anglican Use Gradual
Communion Hymn:  O come, O come Emmanuel, Veni Emmanuel
Communion Chant:  Alma redemptoris mater, plainsong, mode V
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Come, O long expected Jesus, Stuttgart

Organ Postlude:  Herr Christ, der ein'ge, J. S. Bach

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Organ Prelude:  Gaudens gaudebo (based on the Introit), Dom Paul Benoit

Procession:  Immaculate Mary, Lourdes Hymn
Kyrie:  Mass XVIII
Gloria in excelsis:  Mass VIII, de Angelis
Gradual Psalm 98:  Sing to the Lord a new song, Guimont Psalter
Alleluia:  plainsong, mode VI, de Angelis, adapt.
Offertory motet:  Ay, Santa Maria, anon.
Sanctus & Agnus Dei:  Mass XVIII
Communion Psalm 34:  Gusten y vean, Rubalcava
Communion Chant:  Alma redemptoris mater, plainsong, mode V
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Hail, Holy Queen, Salve regina coelitum

Organ Postlude:  Alma redemptoris mater, Marcel Dupre

The Second Sunday of Advent

Organ Prelude:  Wachet auf, ruft uns de Stimme, J. S. Bach

Introit (choir):  O people of Sion, Anglican Use Gradual
Procession:  Savior of the nations, come, Nun komm der heiden heiland
Kyrie:  Mass XVIII
Gradual Psalm 85: Lord, let us see your kindness, Guimont Psalter
Alleluia:  plainsong, mode VI, de Angelis, adapt.
Offertory:  Creator of the stars of night, Conditor alme siderum
Sanctus & Agnus Dei:  Mass XVIII
Communion Chant:  Jerusalem, haste thee, Anglican Use Gradual
Communion Hymn:  Like a shepherd
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  On Jordan's bank, Winchester New

Organ Postlude:  Gottes sohn ist kommen, J. S. Bach