22 December 2011

The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord

Vigil Mass, Christmas Eve

Hodie Christus natus est, G. Gabrieli
Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
Festival Alleluia, J. Chepponis
In dulci jubilo, M. Praetorius
Traditional Carols with the Hart City Brass Quartet
and Kevin Vaughn, organist


The Office of Readings and Mass of the Night

Antiphons and psalms by K. Vaughn
The Proclamation of Christmas
Gloria in excelsis, Mass XVIII
Sanctus & Agnus Dei, Mass VIII
Gaudete from Piae Cantiones
Alma redemptoris mater, G. Palestrina
Bilingual carols with the St. Vincent de Paul Choir


Christmas Day, Mass at Dawn and Mass of the Day
8:30am and 11:30am

Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, J. Bancks
Festival Alleluia, J. Chepponis
Traditional carols with Caleb Wiebe, trumpet
and Kevin Vaughn, organist