28 March 2012

Palm / Passion Sunday

At the Procession:  All glory, laud, and honor, St Theodulph
At the Blessing of Palms:  Hosanna filio David, Graduale Romanum
OR  Choral Fugue on Hosanna filio David, Jeanne Demessieux
Kyrie from Mass XVIII
Psalm 22, My God, my God, why have you abandoned me, Guimont Psalter
Praise and honor...
Offertory:  O sacred head surrounded, Passion Chorale
Communion Chant:  O my Father
Communion Hymn:  Eat this bread
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Forty days and forty nights, Heinlein

The Fifth Sunday in Lent

Proper Introit:  Give sentence with me, O God
Procession:  Lift high the cross, Crucifer
Kyrie, Mass XVIII
Psalm 51, Create in me a clean heart, O God, Guimont Psalter
Praise and honor, adapted from Kyrie orbis factor
Offertory:  Lord, who throughout these forty days, St Flavian
Mass XVIII and Pater noster
Communion Chant:  If any man serve me
Communion Hymn:  Tree of life, Thomas
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Again we keep this solemn fast, Old 100th

22 March 2012

The Goshen College Chamber Choir

The St Vincent Concert Series was very proud to present a Lenten concert by the Goshen College Chamber Choir this past Sunday evening.  If you missed the performance, take a look at the program below, and be sure to hear this group soon at the Goshen College Music Center!  They are an accomplished group of musicians and worth a listen.

GC Chamber Choir Program.doc - NeoOffice Writer

The Fourth Sunday in Lent, Laetare

Organ Prelude:  Chorale Prelude on Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, Max Reger
Introit:  Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, H Willan
Hymn:  The master came to bring good news, Ich glaub an Gott
Ps 137, Let my tongue be silenced, Guimont Psalter
Offertory:  Take up your cross, O Waly Waly
Communion Chant:  If any man serve me
Communion Hymn:  I received the living God, Living God
Anthem:  God so loved the world, J Stainer
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Jerusalem, my happy home, Land of Rest
Organ Postlude:  Praeludio from Suite in d minor, D Zipoli

Thank you to Lucy Minichillo, flute, and Matt Frye, viola, for playing at the Mass on Saturday evening in honor of Laetare Sunday.

The Third Sunday in Lent

Introit:  Mine eyes are ever looking unto the Lord
Procession:  Christ is made the sure foundation, St Thomas
Psalm 19, Lord you have the words of everlasting life, Guimont Psalter
Praise and honor to you, O Lord Jesus Christ, Kyrie orbis factor, arr D Hurd
Offertory:  There's a wideness in God's mercy, In babilone
Communion Chant:  Whoso drinketh the water
Communion Hymn:  Hear us, almighty Lord, Attende Domine
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  I heard the voice of Jesus say, Kingsfold

02 March 2012

The Second Sunday in Lent

Proper Introit:  My heart hath talked of Thee
Hymn:  What wondrous love is this, Wondrous Love
Kyrie, Mass XVIII
Praise and honor, Kyrie Orbis factor, adapt D Hurd
Offertory:  Lord of all hopefulness, Slane
Sanctus, Mysterium fidei, Pater noster, Agnus Dei, Mass XVIII
Communion Chat:  Tell the vision
Communion:  Attende Domine
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  'Tis good Lord to be here, Swabia

The University of Notre Dame Women's Liturgical Choir joins us for Mass at 11:30 this weekend.  The program is included below.

Und Wlc Lent 2 2012

01 March 2012

New St Joseph Valley AGO website

Today the local AGO chapter launches their new website!  Hosted by Google, this new site will serve as a portal to information about the guild, our activities, and our resources for individuals and institutions.  Spend some time looking around!

St Joseph Valley Chapter, American Guild of Organists