Organ prelude: Whence is this goodly fragrance, Harrison Oxley
At the Procession: Sing of Mary, Pleading Savior, 417
Gloria simplex, Richard Proulx
Gradual Psalm 67, May God bless us in his mercy, Guimont Psalter
Advent Alleluia, plainsong, mode VI
Offertory: Sing we of the Blessed Mother, Omne Die, 418
Offertory Anthem (Women's Schola, Vigil Mass): Lo, how a rose e're blooming, J. Ashley Hall
Plainsong Ordinary, ICEL
Communion: Of the Father's love begotten, Divinum Mysterium, 211
Hymn of Thanksgiving: Hail, holy queen, Salve regina coelitum, 419
Organ Postlude: Noel entranger (VIII), Louis Claude d'Aquin