Organ Prelude: Chorale Prelude on Veni Creator Spiritus, Ennis Fruhauf
At the Introit: Praise to the Lord, the almighty, Lobe denn herren, arr. Norris
Gloria in excelsis: Mass on G, Calvin Bower
Gradual Psalm: Ps. 104, "Lord, send out your spirit..." Guimont Psalter
Sequence: Veni sancte spiritus, Graduale Romanum
Alleluia: Festival Alleluia, Chepponis
Offertory Hymn: O breathe on me, St. Columba, arr. Rawsthorne
Offertory Solo Anthem: Litany to the Holy Spirit, Peter Hurdford (Vigil, 7:00am)
Communion Hymn: Taste and see, Moore
Communion Chant: Veni creator spiritus (8:30am)
Hymn of Thanksgiving: Come Holy Ghost, Lambillotte
Organ Postlude: Fantasia super Komm, Heiliger Geist, J. S. Bach
Special thanks to the St. Vincent de Paul Choir for another year of service to the Church! Choir rehearsals and choral masses resume in September.