At the Introit: Praise to the Lord, the almighty, Lobe den herren
Gloria in excelsis: A New Mass for Congregations, Carroll Andrews
Gradual: Ps. 145, "I will praise your name forever..." Guimont Psalter
Alleluia: Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Christ be beside me, Bunessan
Sanctus: Land of Rest Mass, Pruner
Mem. Accl.: A Community Mass, Proulx
Agnus Dei: Mass of the Most Sacred Heart, Bancks
Communion Chant: Gustate et videte, mode III
Communion Hymn: All who hunger
Communion Motet: Adoramus te, Lassus
Hymn of Thanksgiving: I heard the voice of Jesus say, Kingsfold
Post-Dismissal: America the beautiful, Materna