Organ Prelude: Ave Maria, Gerald Near
Introit: Behold, O God, our shield, Healey Willan
At the Procession: Sing praise to God, Mit freuden zart
Gradual Psalm: Ps. 67, "O God, let all the nations..." Guimont Psalter
Offertory: There is a balm in Gilead
Communion: Eat this bread
Communion Motet: Ave verum corpus, Byrd
Hymn of Thanksgiving: In Christ there is no east or west, McKee
After the dimissal: Hail, Holy Queen, in honor of the Solemnity of the Assumption, 15 August
This Sunday marks the final Mass for our summer quartet. A big "thank you" to Kyle and Jenny Ubl, Jill Voreis, and Jeff Patton for sharing their voices with us this summer!
Jenny, Jill, Jeff, Kevin