20 April 2012

The Third Sunday of Easter

Organ Prelude:  Erschiene ist der Heilige Tag, Ethel Smyth

At the Introit:  I know that my Redeemer lives, Duke Street
Gloria simplex, Richard Proulx
Ps 4, Lord, let your face shine on us, Guimont Psalter
Festival Alleluia, James Chepponis
Offertory:  That Easter day with joy was bright, Puer nobis nascitur
A Community Mass, Richard Proulx
Communion:  Alleluia, give thanks; Alleluia no. 1
Anthem:  Jubilate (Ps. 100), Michael Bedford
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Sing to the Lord a new song, Onslow Square

Organ Postlude:  At Eastertide from Six Occasional Preludes, Charles V. Stanford