17 May 2011

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Organ prelude: A Meditation on Brother James's Air, Harold Darke
At the Introit: Jesus Christ is risen today, Easter Hymn
Gradual Psalm: Ps. 23, "The Lord is my shepherd," Guimont Psalter
Offertory: Like a shepherd
Communion Hymn: Shepherd me, O God
Communion Chant: Regina coeli, plainchant mode VI
Hymn of Thanksgiving: Shepherd of souls, St. Agnes, arr. Noble, Rawsthorne
Organ postlude: Fanfare, William Mathias

At Evensong, The Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist
Organ prelude: Psalm Prelude, op. 32, no. 3 (Ps. 23:4)
O gracious light, The Eighth Tune
Evening Service in D Minor, George Dyson
If ye love me, Thomas Tallis
Jesus lives, Mowsley
Praise my soul the king of heaven, Lauda anima
Organ postlude: Fanfare, William Mathias