27 October 2011

The Twenty-Ninth and Thirtieth Sundays in Ordinary Time

The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Organ Prelude:  Gott der Vater wohn uns bei, Dietrich Buxtehude

At the Introit:  Joyful, joyful we adore you, Hymn (Ode) to Joy, arr. Rawsthorne
Gradual Psalm 18, "I love you Lord my strength" Guimont Psalter
Alleluia, mode VI, arr. Proulx/Vogt
At the Offertory:  Lord of all nations, Duke Street, arr. Noble
At Communion:  Psalm 19, "Lord, you have the words..."
Communion Chant:  Adoro te devote, plainsong mode V
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Praise and thanksgiving, Bunessan, arr. Rawsthorne

Organ Postlude:  Lobt Gott, ihr Christen allzugleich, Dietrich Buxtehude

The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masses of Thanksgiving for Blessed John Paul II, pope

Organ Prelude:  Entree pontificale, Enrico Bossi

At the Introit:  Lift high the cross, Crucifer
Gradual Psalm 96, "Give the Lord glory and honor" Guimont Psalter
Alleluia, mode VI, arr. Proulx/Vogt
Anthem at the Offertory:  Servants of Peace, K. Scott Lee
Hymn at the Offertory:  At that first eucharist, Unde et memores
At Communion:  Life giving bread, saving cup, Chepponis
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  For all the saints, Sine Nomine

Organ Postlude:  The Papal Anthem, Charles Gounod