06 October 2011

The Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Sundays in Ordinary Time

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Organ prelude: Siguense tres glosas sobre el canto llano de la immaculada concepcion, Francisco Correa de Arauxo
At the Introit:  For the beauty of the earth, Dix, arr Rawsthorne
Gradual Psalm 80, " The vineyard of the Lord..." Guiomont Psalter
At the Offertory:  Life giving bread, saving cup
At Communion:  Where charity and love prevail, Christian Love
Chant at Communion:  Adoro te devote
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Shepherd of souls, St. Agnes, arr Rawsthorne
Organ Postlude:  Lauda Sion, Marcel Dupre

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

At the Introit:  All creature of our God and king, Lasst uns
Gradual Psalm 25, "Remember your mercies..."  Guimont Psalter
At the Offertory:  The Summons, Kelvingrove
At Communion:  All who hunger
Hymn of Thanksgiving:  Now thank we all our God, Nun danket

A special "Thank You" to Lucy Minichillo for being the organist at Mass on this weekend.